Order Your Complete Astro Profile Now at a SPECIAL PRICE!

Your Astro Guide to
a Successful Life!

Discover life-changing secrets:
Your Complete Astro Profile awaits!

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Can Astrology Really Change your Life?

With the clarity you gain from Your Complete Astro Profile, you will begin to play

an active role in creating the future you always wanted. Here's what our comprehensive 70+ page report unveils:

Birth chart & natal horoscopes

The unique snapshot of the cosmos the moment when you were born!

Your true self & personality

Understand your unique personality traits and real self, as per your Vedic birth-chart

Get to know your love life better

Did you know that your horoscope can reveal negative karmic patterns that can keep repeating in your love life?

Your karmic lessons await you

Discover your karmic life lessons to create everlasting change.

Inside scoop on your health & wellness

Gain valuable insights into what your natal Kundli reveals about your health.

Your cheat code to success

Empower yourself by using your natural strengths- A career or buisness that you can shine in!

Your lucky colours & gemstones

Align your destiny with cosmic power with lucky colours and gemstones.

Famous Personalities

Find out which celebrities share your unique cosmic alignment!

and so much more! Check out what you get here!

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Based on verified reviews

Here's Why AstroJudge is Different:

Our reports are unlike anything you would have read online or offline!

Years of Experience in Vedic Astrology Simplified

Trusted by over 75K happy customers

No Hidden Cost

No Jargon

Customised Report Made by Our Expert Astrologers

Creators of India's (and the World's) First Child Astro Report

Our customers love us! 💖

What's Included & What's not Included

What's Included

The Real You

A 360° In-depth analysis of your life.

Your Personal Karmic Life Lessons

Remove obstacles that repeat in your life.

Unlocking the Mystery of your Kundli

Amazing astrological predictions about your life.

Actionable Insights into Your Health & Wellness
Love, Marriage & the Stars

Navigating your relationships.

What Sets You Apart

Discover your unique personal power through Vedic astrology.

Career & Money Analysis

Fulfilment and success by aligning with your destiny.

& What's not Included

Future Forecasts

We dont want to dictate your future, just help you create it.

Personal Consultation
Dosha Analysis

These don't add any practical value, instead can make one feel complacent in a situation.

Dasha Analysis

Same reason as the first one above.

Remedies or Poojas are not recommended

Not recommended. We believe in practical, attitudinal shifts that have shown evidence of brilliant and lasting change.

Compatibility or Match-making
How your next year is going to be like

We will be launching year specific reports soon.

Unlock Bonuses worth $520.00 🔥

  • Birth Chart & Natal Horoscopes

    • Lagna Kundli
    • Navamsha Kundli
    • Chalit Kundli
    • Chandra Kundli
  • Your True Self & Personality

    • Ascendant Report
    • Nakshatra Report
    • Sun Report
    • Moon Report
  • Health & Wellness

  • Love & Relationships

  • Career & Money

  • Karmic Life Lesson

  • Strongest Motivator in Life

  • Lucky Colors & Gemstones

  • Celebrities Who Share Your Birthstar


87% OFF!
Limited period offer.

(Including all taxes)

$520.00 $69.00

This Report is for you if...

You want to unleash your unique potential but don't know where to start.

You want to actively make a change in important areas of your life.

Understanding yourself will help you live your best life

You want to know why things happen to you- what your patterns and karmic lessons are!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have ordered the report. When will I get it in my inbox?

    Since each report is prepared from scratch, we will complete your report and email it to your inbox within 24 hours of the time of your order.

  • How will this report help me?

    Your Complete Astro Profile is unlike any other astro report you will ever find, online or offline. We won't give you endless pages of charts and tables that you can't use but we will give you pages and pages of amazing insights, accurate predictions and actionable astrological guidance based on an in-depth analysis of your birth chart. For the first time, we are sharing an astro report like this and as you read Your Complete Astro Profile, you will immediately gain a deeper understanding of your true self, your true worth, your destiny, the talents and abilities you were born with but were waiting to discover. Imagine the success and happiness that you will gain in the eyes of yourself and others when you live your life with crystal-clear clarity of purpose and awareness of your unique self, all revealed to you through the time-test principles of Vedic astrology.

  • How long is the report? How many pages?

    Given the details that we go into, Your Complete Astro Profile would be anywhere between 70 to 80 pages long. In the near future, we might try to fit all the predictions in a lesser number of pages!

  • Is this report like the free ones I see on the internet?

    The short answer is No. The long answer: We have put in many, many years of research and development into designing the scope and structure of Your Complete Astro Profile. Each astrology report is painstakingly (but lovingly) prepared by our expert astrologers with a view to make it easy for you to understand your Vedic birthchart and more importantly, for you to benefit from the report. We ensure that you will get nothing less than the best expert team to prepare your amazing astrology report, Frankly, we don't trust any of the websites that provide a free report because their intentions cannot be trusted not to mention that these free-report websites are highly inaccurate and doubtful in their astrological predictions. We wouldn't trust them with our confidential information, so why should you?

  • I don't like the report, can I get a refund?

    We are afraid, we will not be able to refund you the amount spent on purchasing Your Complete Astro Profile because it is an intellectual product. There is no defect or deficiency possible in such a product that can be remedied or rectified by us. Of course, if you are not satisfied with Your Complete Astro Profile, we would love to hear more from you on that so that we can do our best to satisfy you personally. Feel free to reach out to us on support@astrojudge.com with any questions or clarifications you require for your report. Our team has the fastest response time to any queries from existing customers.

  • Why does it take 24 hours for the report to be emailed to me?

    Each astro report is prepared from scratch by our expert team of experienced astrologers. In order to do justice to your astro report, we will go into a really deep analysis of your birth-details and give you a detailed astrology report that will be like your lifebook for future reference. Hence, it will take us 24 hours for preparing and emailing you the report.

  • Will I get future predictions in my report?

    In Your Complete Astro Profile, as the name suggests, you will get a lot of useful and actionable insights into your astrological birth-chart and over 70 pages of predictions about each and every important aspect of your life will be shared in the report. We have seen in our research that in today's day and age, people are slow to trust future predictions but rather require a clear roadmap of their life and destiny so that they can instead create the compelling future that they aspire for. With that same goal in mind, we make sure not to limit your vision by giving you future, timeline-based predictions.

  • Can I trust you guys with my confidential information?

    You can completely trust AstroJudge with your confidential information. We understand and value your trust in sharing your birth details with us. Please know that we use the birth-details only for the limited purpose of creating your astro report. Our company has a strict confidentiality and privacy policy which is detailed on our website www.astrojudge.com. We also have a policy to never share your details to any third-part under any circumstances.

  • I don't know the exact time or place of of my birth, can I give you an approximate time?

    We would prefer if you could find out from your birth-certificate or even some close relative the closest approximation of your time of birth that you are aware of. In case the time difference between your actual time of birth and what you know of is more than 2 hours, it does impact the accuracy of the birth-chart. In case of place of birth, generally one is aware of the City/Town and if you can provide that, it would suffice for the purpose of preparing your astro report. But in case you are confused about your time or place of birth, do reach out to us on support@astrojudge.com with your birth-details and we will personally look into it.

  • I'm not married but the report talks about my wife and married life. What should I do?

    In Your Complete Astro Profile, we will try to cover all important areas of your life including what your janma-kundli (birth-chart) states in relation to your spouse and married life in general. In the even you are not married yet or do not plan to marry in the near future, the word “spouse” used in your astro report should be read as 'life partner'. In Your Complete Astro Profile, your birth-chart will be analysed to give you predictions about your supposed life partner and married life, in case you marry but that doesn't presuppose that you are married or going to get married because that is a personal choice for each individual and we respect that. It's just that as your astrologers it is our responsibility to share with you these details as per your birth-chart.

  • Can I get some remedies to stop problems?

    At AstroJudge, we don't believe in the conventional concept of remedies because largely our experience has shown that remedies can be doubtful and their effectiveness and efficacy can be highly questionable, given the fact that some remedies work for some people and other remedies are futile. That's why wherever possible, we have suggested Karrmic remedies in the report in the form of behaviourial or attitudinal changes that you can make basis the actual predictions that are made as per your unique birth-chart. We can assure you that these changes, if made sincerely, will reap you enormous benefits, much more than conventional astrological remedies which are time-bound. It is based on the philosophy of self-empowerment where you won't have to rely on any external person or power to change your present.


Discover Your Child’s Hidden Potential

Check out Your Child’s First Astro Report,
Trusted by over 75K happy parents!

We translate the world of Astrology for you.

We believe that the real meaning of astrology is found in its profound purpose - to throw light on our paths in life so that we are able to navigate through it with wisdom, knowledge and ease.

Our mission is to help you use the wisdom of astrology to live a successful, happier and healthier life.


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