About Us

Jyotisha, the Sanskrit word for astrology, contains the prefix 'Jyoti' which means light. We, therefore, believe that the real meaning of astrology is found in its profound purpose - to throw light on our paths in life so that we are able to navigate through it with wisdom, knowledge and ease. However, for far too long, real astrology has, unfortunately, been kept a mystery which is well-guarded by traditional jyotishis (astrologers) and to the ones who seek it, it is communicated only with a healthy dose of ambiguity and a lot of question marks.


Astrojudge is the modern astrology website which started as an endeavor to make the 5000 year old ancient science of Vedic astrology easy to understand for everyone, and help one in understanding oneself and those around them and cherish the unique qualities and life missions we all have.

Our first-of-a-kind report, Your Child's First Astro Report© aims to translate the world of astrology for modern parents who wish to nurture their child in the best possible way from day one. Through Your Child's First Astro Report, the wisdom distilled from our years of research on this subject, will give you great insights into the natural talents and qualities of your precious little one.

Anirrud Goswami & Pushpanjali Banerji Founders, Astrojudge.com

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M/s Lafiye Tech Pvt. Ltd.

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